by George Caley, Historian of Asbury Methodist Church
"A History of Asbury United Methodist Church, Smyrna, Delaware"
Smyrna, Del., Shane Quality Press, 1972
Dover Public Library, Call No. 287.67514 C128h
George Caley says: "The following marriages and baptisms have been compiled from actual church records. We have faithfully tried to copy them exactly as recorded. Some ministers used last names first, while others used last names past."
The researcher should be aware that this presentation is a 4th-hand recording of the parties' names, all of which could introduce error, to wit:1. The mostly oral recitation of names to the person recording the information at the time of the wedding. Many of the names in the list appear to have been phonetically spelled.
2. George Caley's interpretation of the ministers' handwriting.
3. The process of translating writen notes to the final printed version.
4. Our scanning of the printed version and perhaps faulty proofreading.Note: Mr. Caley, in a phone conversation, October, 1999, told us that there is no copyright on his work, as published here, and he has no objection to the publication of it on this site. We thank him for his work with the difficult-to-interpret handwriting in the old church records and for making it available to us for internet publication. The book, which is primarily a history of Asbury Church (baptisms and marriages are appended in tiny print), is available through the public library, Dover, Delaware. It can be consulted should questions arise about the accuracy of this version.
BAPTISM CODE: BAPTISM PLACE: CODE: I = Infant Asbury Church or Smyrna 1 C = Child Parsonage 2 Y = Youth Lecture Room, S.S. or Chapel (aft 1965) 3 A = Adult Smyrna Landling or Landing 4 Jerman Chapel or Chapel 1871-1900 5 At Home 6 Home of Grandparents 7 Other Places 8
DATE NAMES OF SUBJECTS BAP BIRTH BAP OF BAP OR MINISTER CODE DATE PARENTS PLACE 1897 John Roche, Minister Feb. 18 Ralph Leon Tucker I 1/7/97 Jno. W. & Maggie 1 Mar. 17 Wm. Bell Megear A 7/22/64 Thos. B. & Sarah E. 1 Mar. 17 Wm. Bell Megear I 9/7/96 Wm. B. & Mary H. 1 Adam Stengle, Minister June 5 Catherine Edna Price I 3/24/97 Lewis M.& Jennie C. 1 June 12 Wells C.Wilson I 6/6/97 Geo. W.& Rebecca 1 July 20 John H. Hoffecker I 12/12/96 Harvey P. & Annie H. 1 Hall Aug. 7 Catherine Hudson I 7/7/96 Alfred L. & Fannie 1 Aug. 11 Helen Susan Davis I 12/13/96 Andrew J. & Emma J. 1 Aug. 16 Mary Edna Sylvester I 6/10/96 Geo. W. & Maggie E. 1 William Mowbray, Minister Aug. 17 Mildred Jones I 2/7/97 Chas. H. & Rachel 1 Adam Stengle, Minister Nov. 7 John C. Prettyman I 8/27/97 Clarence & Sarah 6 Dec. 23 Mary Anna Primrose A 5/14/19 Gravenstein, Geo. & 6 Anna 1898 Feb. 26 Elizabeth Dawson I 8/19/97 Ezekiel W. & Hannah 6 Mar. 20 Ruth Fleming I 6/23/97 William & Virmadel 6 W. W. W. Wilson, Minister Oct. 9 Mabel James Brinton I 3/10/94 G. & Rachel A. 6 Charles A. Hill, Minister Oct. 24 Nora Cotton Pratt I 1/15/94 Nathaniel & Jennie 6 Oct. 24 Margaret Hoyle Pratt I 6/6/98 Nathaniel & Jennie 6 1899 Jan. 2 Ethel Lizzie Weller I 11/5/89 Charles S. & Emma 6 Jan. 2 Emma Weller I 4/13/91 Charles S. & Emma 6 Jan. 2 George Alexander I 4/18/95 Charles S. & Emma 6 Weller Jan. 11 William Elliot I 8/27/98 Wilmer L. & Elva 6 Porter Feb. 4 George Lawrence I 4/4/98 John L. & Anna C. 8 Truax Mar. 4 Elva Griffin A 6/27/80 John S. & Florence 2 Mar. 5 Lillian Lewis I 1/4/99 Charles P. & Della 6 Thornley Mar. 4 Avis Griffin A 1/2/85 John S. & Florence 2 Mar. 17 Courtland Hoffecker I 5/23/94 Charles & Mary E. 6 Jones Mar. 17 Helen Ruth Jones I 9/11/96 Charles & Mary E. 6 Apr. 17 William S. Mattiford I 3/24/98 Joseph Henry & Clara 6 Apr. 17 Clifford F. I 3/17/99 Joseph Henry & Clara 6 Mattiford Aug. 6 Wm. A. Faries Pyle I 6/4/99 Henry Virgil & 6 Margaret Aug. 20 Jackson Marvel I 3/20/99 Josiah & Mary B. 6 Sept. 24 Alvin Reed M.Pratt I 5/16/98 Nathaniel B. & Lillie 6 Sept. 24 Helen Elizabeth I 9/5/99 Nathaniel B. & Lillie 6 Pratt Sept. 3 Dorothy Hill I 10/17/98 W. Llndsay & Sue 6 McFarlane Nov. 1 Edward Foster Deford I 10/4/98 J. Edward & Florence 6 Dec. 25 Myrtle Jones Huggins I 11/28/92 Ed. E. & Ella May 6 Dec. 25 Marion Woodrow I 12/4/93 Ed. E. & Ella May 6 Huggins Dec. 25 Maud Stinson Huggins I 11/3/99 Ed. E. & Ella May 6 1900 Jan. 16 John S. Griffin I 5/29/93 Jno. S. & Florence 2 Feb. 4 Josiah Newsum I 2/1/00 Geo. T. & Sarah E. 6 June 4 Mollie Burns I 1/31/94 Ida Burns 6 June 4 Ida Burns I 4/1/95 Ida Burns 6 June 15 Eleanor Boulden I 5/22/88 George & Clara V. 6 Kennedy June 15 George William I 10/5/90 George & Clara V. 6 Kennedy June 15 Elizabeth Grace I 8/26/92 George & Clara V. 6 Kennedy July 31 Nora Ellen Jacobs I 1/6/00 Wm. Lewis & Alberta 2 Oct. 9 Sarah Belle Hazell A 4/19/83 Wm. Henry & Albina 2 Oct. 28 Virginia R. Shreve I 7/22/00 Frank B. & Hope B. 2 Nov. 11 Alice May Turner I 10/8/00 Daniel & Sarah E. 6 Nov. 22 Mary Helen Hudson I 1/16/98 Wm. D. & Mamie 6 Aug. 2 Walter Thomas I 7/16/00 George C. & Lillie 6 Moffett Aug. 2 Ada Clawson Moffett I 1/25/98 George C. & Lillie 6 1901 Mar. 3 Charles Edward I 2/28/00 Reuben & Susan 4 Marshall Mar. 3 Alphonzo Aiken Brown I 10/4/99 Alphonzo & Maggie 4 Mar. 3 Mary Elizabeth Scout I 2/16/00 Mark M. & Lena 4 Mar. 3 John Wesley Jacobs I 3/22/00 John W. & Lydia 4 Mar. 3 Alice May Gaulke I 9/4/99 Louie & Alice 4 Mar. 3 George Andrew Davis I 7/4/98 Andrew J. & Emma 4 Mar. 3 Annie Gilchrist I 3/2/84 John & Annie 4 Watson Vaughan S. Collins, Minister May 10 Helen Eldredge I 1/29/01 Frank S. & Clara 6 Busser Aug. 28 John Wesley I 4/20/01 Jno. W. & Mary E. 2 Henderson Sept. 8 Francis Stanley I 9/4/01 Wm. A. & Mary F. 1 Pinder Oct. 20 Mildred Amelia Start A (blank) (blank) 1 Oct. 20 Neva Vernin Naramore A (blank) (blank) 1 Oct. 27 Elizabeth Thomas I 10/11/00 Thomas H. & Bertha 6 Wilson 1902 Jan. 6 James Henry Scott I 5/27/01 Jas. H. & Martha M 6 Jan. 17 Martha Maria Scott A (blank) (blank) 1 Mar. 9 Elva Lee Brown I 9/30/98 Wm.C. & Anna H. 8 Mar. 9 John Selby Anthony A (blank) (blank) 1 Mar. 9 McKendree Williams A (blank) (blank) 1 Mar. 9 Blanche Perkins A (blank) (blank) 1 Hazel Mar. 9 Fred Smith Williams A (blank) (blank) 1 Mar. 9 Francis C. Armstrong A (blank) (blank) 1 Mar. 9 Emma Capitola Shahan A (blank) (blank) 1 Mar. 9 Evelyn Cooper Jones A (blank) (blank) 1 Mar. 9 Carrie Scout A (blank) (blank) 1 Mar. 9 Ruth Emily Gregory A (blank) (blank) 1 Mar. 9 Mary Flo Reed A (blank) (blank) 1 Mar. 9 Mary Rebecca A (blank) (blank) 1 Doughten Mar. 9 Catharine Va. Wilson A (blank) (blank) 1 Mar. 9 Sue Rebecca Jackson A (blank) (blank) 1 Mar. 9 Elsie Cruson A (blank) (blank) 1 Mar. 9 Beulah Faries Hazel A (blank) (blank) 1 May 11 Irene Hawkins I 8/22/99 Wesley & Phoebe 6 May 11 Freeman Wesley I (blank) Wesley & Phoebe 6 Hawkins May 17 Wm. Charles Jordan I 4/9/98 Wm. M. & Bertha 2 May 17 Mattie May Jordan I 9/ /00 Wm. M. & Bertha 2 July 13 Elizabeth Roberts I 6/29/99 Alfred & Fannie 6 Hudson July 26 Elva May Dyer I 4/27/02 Harvey & Lucy 6 Sept. 2 Willard Franklin I 3/19/02 Willard F. & Grace 8 Weldon Sept. 20 John Thomas Newsome I 9/1/02 Geo. F. & Sarah 6 Sept. 30 Helen Turner I 9/1/02 Daniel & Sarah 6 Oct. 6 Cora O'Frances Webb I 5/18/02 Jas. H. & Cora 6 Oct. 6 Edward Frank Webb I 6/21/99 Jas. H. & Cora 6 Oct. 6 James John Webb I 2/11/97 Jas. H. & Cora 6 Oct. 12 Henrietta B. Gaulke I 3/28/02 Lewis C. & Alice 4 Oct. 12 William Conner I 5/19/01 Lewis C. & Alice 4 Gaulke Oct. 12 Thomas McClain Davis I 4/13/02 Andrew J. & Emma 4 Oct. 12 MacClary, Theresa I 3/13/98 Walter & Ida 4 Evans Oct. 12 Mary Russell Daisey I 7/05/01 Edward & Mary E. 4 Oct. 12 Nathaniel Jess I 6/04/02 Nathaniel & Clara 4 Moffett Oct. 12 Price Jefferson I 8/12/02 John & Della 4 Inman Oct. 20 Wm. Glanden A (blank) (blank) 6 Oct. 26 Charles Sisco Moore A (blank) (blank) 1 Oct. 26 Alfred Burton A (blank) (blank) 1 Carpenter Nov. 30 Cornelius Tilghman I 7/08/02 Alfred & Emma 6 1903 Jan. 18 Dorothy B. McDowell I 9/23/02 Wm. C. & Rosa A. 6 Apr. 4 Earle Hartup I 2/21/97 Geo. C. & Sallie 6 Rothwell Apr. 4 Rebecca Lolita I 9/14/01 Geo. C. & Sallie 6 Rothwell Apr. 16 Vaughan Smith I 12/07/02 Asher E. & Louisa 6 Collins May 31 Ruth Henrietta Brown I 1/10/03 Isaac E. & Mabel C. 1 May 31 Dorothy Mabel Hynson I 6/24/93 Chas. T. & Rachel 1 May 31 Margaret Carrow I 9/02/94 Chas. T. & Rachel 1 Hynson June 30 Eunice Eveline I 6/02/03 Jno. P. & Emma J. 6 Burdette July 18 John Wesley McClain I 2/9/03 Wm. T. & Mary E. 6 July 26 Wm. James Gwynn A (blank) (blank) 6 July 26 Wm. Reese Samuel I (blank) Wm. James & Lucinda 6 Gwynn Sept. 13 Jennie Melvin I 12/11/02 Thos. W. & Annie E. 6 Lovegrove Nov. 18 Mary Grace Tucker I 9/13/03 Jno. W. & Maggie M. 6 Nov. 18 Alfred Daniel Wells I 5/17/02 Wm. G. & Lavinia L. 6 Nov. 22 George Walton I 6/30/03 Albert P. & Elizabcth 6 Nov. 25 Cornelia Woodruff A 1/20/90 Charles A. & 6 Beck Katharine Nov. 25 Eugene Foster Beck A 2/26/85 Charles A. & 6 Katharine 1904 Jan. 2 Elmer Stuart Outten I 1/22/03 E. Elmer & Orah V. 8
"The History and Genealogy of the
Native American Isolate Communities
of Kent County, Delaware, and
Surrounding Areas on the Delmarva Peninsula
and Southern New Jersey"
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