




The Commissioners appointed to meet in Council the Indian tribes of the western frontier of the united states-

To the Chiefs head men & Warriors of the Delaware tribe --

Children: Your Father the President when he heard that some of the Indian tribes had listened to the Messages of the British exciting to War, against his people -- had broken the bond of Friendship & violated the Treaty of Greenville, their conduct would have Justified him in Stretching out the Strong Arm of the United States for their destruction: But having regard for their welfare of all his Children, not willing to punish the Innocent with the guilty, & desirous that those who have been seduced by bad advice should have an opportunity to save themselves from that destruction that inevitably awaits them, in case of hostility, has sent us to his Red Children with good advice.

Children: listen, we speak the words of your Father the president, live at peace with your white and red Bretheren pursue your usual employments, Provide for your Women and Children, The Americans love peace, but do not fear war, they are able to fight their own Battles -- Your father does not ask your assistance in the War in which he is now engaged with the british -- The red people have no concern in the dispute between the Americans and the British - They do not understand the causes of the war, and why should they take part in it? Consider well who are your best friends, the Americans, upon great chief, has sent you the good advice, to live in peace; or the British, who advise, you to lake war against your white brethern & excite the red people to war among themselves.

Your old men can remember the conduct of them in a former War, after engaging the red people on their side, when they were defeated they left them to the mercy of the conquerors, without their names, being mentioned in the Treaty of Peace. Children your Father has authorised his Commissioners to assure you that if you follow his advice to live in peace with his people, & act the part of true friends, to the Americans, he will take you by the hand, will brighten the chain of friendship, & protect you against the enemies of the United States when you desire it -- that your Annuities shall be paid according to treaty - Your lands held sacred, & shall not be taken from you, or purchased without you express desire, & consent -- Children: To preserve the chain of Friendship and entitle yourelves to the advantages of a lasting peace, you must watch over and be responsible for the peaceable conduct of your young men, and in case they Join the enemies of your white bretheren, you must deliver them up for Punishment -- You are to give notice, when the enemy are coming to attack our settlement, and by no means, to harbor in your towns the hostile Indians, in their approach or retreat from War -- Children It made our hearts glad to hear your determination to live in peace We will communicate your speeches to your father the president -- Every thing he has promised by us will be performed, we have smoaked the pipe of Peace, you have promised a lasting peace & friendship, we call the great spirit to witness the sincerity of your professions








"The History and Genealogy of the
Native American Isolate Communities
of Kent County, Delaware, and
Surrounding Areas on the Delmarva Peninsula
and Southern New Jersey"



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