Descendants of John PEARCE


214. Andrew Morris PIERCE

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219. George W PEARCE

Notes for GEORGE W PIERCE:  Transcription of Last Will and Testament of George W. Pierce (page 1)  In the name of God Amen. George W. Pierce of the township of Alloway in the County of Salem State of New Jersey, being of sound mind, memory and understanding (for which blessing I thank God) do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following that is to say.  First. It is my will and I do order that all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently can be after my decease.  Item: I give and bequeath my wife, Julia E. Pierce the use and benefits of the farm where I now live, and the house and lot in Pentonville during the term of her natural life or as long as she shall remain my widow.  Item: at the death or remarriage of my wife the same is to be divided equally between my children Lizzie A. Gould, Harry S. Pierce, Mary Emma Hughes, George W. Pierce, John W. Pierce, Lottie V. Pierce share and share alike.  Lastly I do hereby appoint my beloved wife Julia E, Pierce and my son Harry S. Pierce Executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this second day of January A.D. 1894  Signed published and declared by the said George W, Pierce to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who were present at the same  George W. Pierce time and subscribed our names in the presence of the testation.  Salem County ss  Hiram Cuff a witness to the within will being duly sworn did depose and say that he saw George W. Pierce the testator therein named sign and seal the same and heard him publish pronounce and declare the within writing to be his last will and testament and that at the doing thereof, the said testator was of sound and disposing mind and memory as far as said deponent knows and as he verily believes; and that William B. Willis the other subscribing witness was present at the time and signed his name as witness to the said will together with this deponent in the presence of the testator.  Sworn and subscribed before me at Salem this 26th day if January A.D. 1894, Hiram Cuff Geo B. Morrison Sgt.  Last Will and Testament of George W. Pierce  (page 2)  Salem County ss  Julia E. Pierce and Harry S. Pierce Executors in the testament named being duly sworn aid depose and say that the within instrument contains the true and last will and testament of George W. Pierce the testator therein truly perform the same by paying first the debts of the said deceased and then the legacies in the said testament specified so far as the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased can thereunto extend; and that they will make and exhibit into the Surrogate's Office at Salem a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased that have or shall come to their knowledge or possession or to the possessions of any other person or persons for their use and render a just and true account when thereunto lawfully required.  Sworn and subscribed before me at Salem this 26th day of January Julia E. her Pierce X mark Harry S. Pierce  Salem County Surrogate's Office  In the manner of the alleged will of George W. Pierce                        order for probate deceased  application having been made by Julia E. Pearce and Harry S. Pearce for probate of the last will and testament of George W. Pearce deceased and letters testamenting thereon and the Surrogate having inquired into the circumstances and taken proof and being satisfied of the genuineness of the will produced, the validity of its execution and the competency of the testator and the probate of said will not having been contested and it appearing that the testator died more than ten days ago it is on this Twenty Sixth day of January A.D. 1894 adjudged that the instrument offered for probate in this matter is the last will and testament of George W. Pearce deceased and the same is hereby admitted to probate. And it is ordered that letters testamentary be issued thereon to Julia E, Pearce and Harry S. Pearce the executors named in said will who may qualify thereunder.  Geo R. Morrison Surrogate of Salem County  More About GEORGE W PIERCE: Burial: Alloway New Jersey Old Cemetery Cause of Death: died of chronic bright's disease

Julia Emiline NOBLE

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