

Extracted by Joseph Romeo



Levi Driggett

Extracted by Joseph Romeo 16 Aug 2006:

Following are excerpts from the pension file related to the service of Levi Driggett (ca. 1833-1902), son of William and Charlotte Driggett. Affidavits reveal that Levi was first married to Mezzie Songo, who was reported to be a half-sister to Benjamin Songo. After Mezzie's death, Levi married Rebecca Elizabeth Williams. Levi died in 1902 and Rebecca died in 1911.


Claim No. 606,124


Invalid Claim for Pension. Original. Levi Driggest, Applicant. Priv., Co. E 4th Regt. Delaware Inf. Vols. Enlisted 23 Aug., 1862 Discharged 17 June, 1865

Declaration for Original Invalid Pension. Michigan, Wayne Co., ss. On the date hereinafter mentioned, personally appeared before me, Clerk of the Circuit Court, a court of record within and for the County and State aforesaid, Levi Driggest, resident of the town of Martinsville, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Levi Driggest who was Enrolled on the 23d day of August, 1862 and served in Company E of the 4th Regiment of Delaware Inf. Commanded by Col. _____ and was Discharged at Wilmington Hosp. Del. on the 17 day of June, 1865; that his personal description is as follows: Age 47 years; height 5 feet 8 inches; complexion, Dark; hair, dark; eyes, dark. That while a member of the organization aforesaid, in the service and in the line of his duty, near Alexandria in the State of Virginia, on or about the ____ days of August 1863, he contracted Chronic Diarrhea, caused as he verily believes by the water which he drank while on duty guarding the Bridge at Bull Run. Said disease has existed with greater or less severity ever since it was contracted and has greatly disabled him for labor. That he was treated in hospitals as follows: Chesnut Hill, Pa., 2 months, Harewood Hospital, Washington, D.C., 3 months and balance of time in Wilmington (Del.) Hospital until discharged. That he has not been employed in the military or naval service otherwise than as stated above. That since leaving the service this applicant has resided in New Jersey 3 years and in Wayne Co., Mich., 19 years. That prior to his entry into the service above named he was a man of good, sound physical health, being, when enrolled, a Laborer. That he is now greatly disabled from obtaining his subsistence by manual labor by reason of the injury or disability, above described, received in the service of the United States; and he therefore makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the invalid pension roll of the United States. ...

Claimant's Signature: Levi (his x mark) Driggest

Attest: Chas. Kellogg, Frank S. Miller

Also personally appeared Wm. Hansor, residing at Town of Sumpter, Wayne Co., Mich., and Arthur V. Jones. residing at Sumpter, Wayne Co. ...

Sworn to and Subscribed before me, this 6th day of April A.D. 1887

Chas. Kellogg, Dpty. Clk. Wayne Co. Circuit Court, Mich.


War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, Aug 3, 1887

Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions. Levi Driggest, a private of Company "E" 4th Regiment Delaware Volunteers, was enrolled on the 26th day of August, 1862, at Wilmington Del 3 years and is reported: On Muster Rolls of Company from March 1st to October 31st 1863 present. Not absent on Regimental Returns for July and September 1863. Mustered out on detachment muster out roll June 3rd 1865 at Tilton General Hospital Wilmington Delaware.

Prescription Book "A" 4th Delaware Volunteers shows him April 13th 1863, opin 8 grains, Tannin 4 grs mixed in 4 pdrs. May 15th 1863 Neuralgia, morphine 2 gr divided into 4 powders and mustard.
The records of this office furnish no further evidence of disability during period claimed.


War Department, Surgeon General's Office, Record and Pension Division, Washington, D.C., October 15, 1887


I have the honor to return herewith your request for a report of hospital treatment in Claim No. 606.124, with such information as is furnished by the records filed in this Office, viz: that Priv. Levi Driggs, Co. E, 4th Del. Vols., was admitted to Hospl. 4th Div. 5th A.C., before Petersburg, Va., June 14, '64, with Diarrhoea, and returned to duty June 16, '64. - That Priv. Levi Driggist, same Co. & Regt., was admitted to Depot Field Hospl. 5th A.C., City Point, Va., June 22, '64, with Consumption, and sent to G.H., June 26, '64. - That Priv. Levi Diggs, same Co. & Regt., was admitted to Depot Field Hospl. 5th A.C., City Point, Va., July 2, '64, with Typhoid Fever, - no disposition. - That Priv. Levi Deggists, same Co. & Regt., was admitted to Harewood G.H., D.C., July 5, '64, from Army Potomac, with Chronic Diarhoea, and transferred July 17, '64. - That Priv. Levi Driggists, same Co. & Regt., was admitted to Mower (Chestnut Hill) G.H., Philadelphia, Pa., July 19, '64, with Chronic Diarrhoea, and returned to duty Oct. 3, '64. - That Priv. Levi Driggest, same Co. & Regt., was admitted to Hospl. 2d Div. 5th A.C., before Petersburg, Va., Mch. 14, '65, with Dysentery, and transferred Mch. 15, '65. - Was admitted to Depot Field Hospl. 5th A.C., City Point, Va., Mch. 15, '65, with Diarrhoea, and transferred Mch. 18, '65. - Was admitted to Harewood G.H., D.C., Mch. 19, '65, with Chronic Diarrhoea. - on furlough 30 days Apr. 8 to May 8, '65, and transferred May 30, '65. - Was admitted to Tilton G.H., Wilmington, Del., May 31, '65, with Chronic Diarrhoea, and discharged the service June 17, '65, - "Mustered out as per telegram from A.G.O., May 4, 1865."

No record found of soldier's treatment for any disability other than above indicated.


General Affadavit.

I Henry Durham knew the soldier Levi Driggest for 29 or thirty years ...
I William Hansor have been acquainted with the Soldier for these last ten years ...
I William Hoffman have known the Soldier Levi Driggest for seven years and half ...
I Martin Harris have been acquainted with the Soldier Levi Driggest for six or seven years ...
I Arthur Jones have know the Solder Levi Driggest for four years ...

Henry (his X mark) Durham
William X Hansor
William Hoffman
Martin Harris
Arthur V. Jones

Witnesses: Joseph C. Merrell, Frank S. Miller
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this first day of November, 1887
Joseph C. Merrell, Justice of the Peace, Wayne Co., Mich.


Surgeon's Certificate, November 2, 1887
height, 5 feet 9 inches; weight, 130 pounds; age, 54 years


[Certificate No.] 390.022
Original Invalid Claim. ...
Rate, $6 per month, commencing April 13, 1887 ...
Approvals. ... Mch. 30, 1888 ...


Declaration for the Increase of an Invalid Pension.
Levi Driggest, aged fifty-five years, a resident of the Township of Sumpter, County of Wayne, State of Michigan
19 May 1888


Surgeon's Certificate, August 22, 1888
height, 5 feet 9-1/2 inches; weight, 140 pounds; age, 55 years
Swarthy in appearance (mixed Indian & English blood)


[Certificate No.] 390.022
Inc. Invalid Pension. ...
Rate, $8 per month, commencing August 22, 1888 ...
Approvals. ... Dec 29, 1888


Declaration for the Increase of an Invalid Pension.
Levi Driggest, aged 56 years, a resident of Martinsville, County of Wayne, State of Mich.
25 Feb 1889


General Affadavit, 5 Apr 1890
Levi Driggest

My present address is Samaria, Monroe Co., Mich.

Surgeon's Certificate, May 28, 1890
height, 5 feet 8-1/2 inches; weight, 150 pounds; age, 57 years


Declaration for Additional and for Straight-Increase Pension
Levi Driggest, aged 59 years, a resident of Samaria, County of Monroe, State of Mich.
12 Sep 1891


Surgeon's Certificate, Oct 26, 1892
height, 5 feet 10 inches; weight, 144 pounds; age, 60 years


[Certificate No.] 390.022
Additional Invalid Pension. ...


Claimant's Affadavit.
Soldier's Application For Reconsideration.
Act of June 27, 1890.
"his application was rejected on the ground that he was not entitled to a higher rate of pension than he is now receiving."
21 Sep 1897


Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D.C., January 15, 1898

Are you married? If so, please state of wife's full name and her maiden name: Yes. My wife's maiden name was Rebecca Williams.

When, where, and by whom were you married? June 1st 1858 by a Justice in Camden Co., N.J.
What record of marriage exists? I have no certificate.

Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce. No.

Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and the dates of their birth. Yes.

Charlot. A. Born Aug 29 1861
Harriet A. " Apl 3 1863
Eva M. " Feby 14 1870
John H. " Mar 15 1872
Manane " May 6 1874
George. A. " Feby 12 1876
Kale May " Feby 19 1880
Josephine " Aug 20 1884
Samuel " Apl 17 1890


Surgeon's Certificate, Aug 16, 1899
height, 5 feet 9-3/4 inches; weight, 160 pounds; age, 66 years


[Certificate No.] 390.022
Invalid Pension. ...
No benefit. In receipt of a higher rate from a prior date under General Law.
May 23 '00


Declaration for Invalid Pension.
Acts of May 9, 1900, and June 27, 1890.
Levi Driggest, age 68 years a resident of Samaria, County of Monroe, State of Mich.
28 May 1900


Surgeon's Certificate, Oct 24, 1900
height, 5 feet 9-1/4 inches; weight, 160 pounds; age, 60 years
[Certificate No.] 390.022
Invalid Pension. ...
Admitted. Issuance of certf. subject to the election of the claimant, he being now on the rolls at a higher rate under the general law.
Jan. 23, 1902


Declaration for the Increase of an Invalid Pension.
General Law.
Levi Driggest, age 69 years, a resident of Samaria, County of Monroe, State of Mich.
12 Sep 1902


Declaration for Invalid Pension.
Acts of May 9, 1900, and June 27, 1890.Levi Driggest, age 70 years, a resident of Samaria, County of Monroe, State of Michigan
9 Oct 1902


Widow's Claim No. 776325


Declaration for Widow's Pension.

Rebecca E. Driggest, age 57 years, a resident of Lambertville, County of Monroe, State of Michigan
That she is the widow of Levi Driggest ...

That she was married under the name of Rebecca E. Williams to said soldier at Camden, N.J. on the {cannot give day} day of April, 1859 by Justice Carpenter; that there was no legal barrier to the marriage; that she had not been previously married; the the soldier had been previously married to Miss Songo in Delaware I think shall in 1856.

That the said soldier died Dec 20 1892 [sic], at Lambertville, Mich. ...

That the said soldier left the following-named children who are now living and under sixteen years of age, to wit:

Samuel Driggest born Apr 17, 1890, at Lambertville, Mich.
5 Dec 1903 [sic]


Lambertville, Mich. Jan 22 1903 To correct error in dates it should read Jan 5 1903 this is the date the paper was executed ...


This is to certify that I Mrs. Rebecca E. Driggest of Lambertville County of Monroe State of Michigan would solemnly swear that I was never married to any other person than Levi Driggest now deceased nor have I remarried since his death[.] I am now 57 years old[.] my husband Levid Driggest was married before he married me to one Miss M. Songo but who died soon after their marriage if my recollections is correct some where about two years[.] my present Postoffice address is Lambertville, Mich.
27 Feb 1903


I Mrs Rebecca E. Driggest the widow of Levi Driggest does solemnly swear to article no. 1 that I stock or property in any way or form nor shape other than house and lot on a by road which perhaps would be worth about $175 or 200 the most[.] have no income only as I go out washing and no one has been or is legally bound for my support[.] nor have I disposed of any real estate nor personal property what so ever since my husband death (Levi Driggest)[.] Rebecca E. Driggest (this is X her mark)
5 Mar 1903


George Canen, M.D.
I attended the deceased, Levi Driggest, during his last sickness - from Sept. 24" 1902 to December 20" 1902, when he died of Insanity and Paresis.
Dated Samaria Mich. Feb. 26" 1903.


State of New Jersey. Marriage Certificate.
Full Name of Husband. Eli Drigous
Place of Residence. Camden, N.J.
Age 24
Full Maiden Name of Wife. Rebecca Williams
Place of Residence. Camden, N.J.
Age, nearest birthday, 18
Date (in Full) June 1 1859 Place Camden, N.J.
... person officiating. David S. Carter, Justice


J. L. Slick, General Merchant and Notary Public.
Lambertville, Mich. March 12, 1903
You will notice on Marriage Certificate the records show Eli Drigous which is wrong he has always went by the name of Eli he nor she can neither read and in consequence have not seen to those errors they now speak of him as Eli.
J. L. Slick, Lambertville, Mich.


Certified Copy of Record of Birth.
State of Michigan, }
County of Monroe } ss.
Record No. 399
Full Name of Child: Samuel Drigget
Date of Birth: April 20, 1890
Sex: Male
Color: White
Still-born, Illegitimate, Twins, etc.: Legitimate
Birthplace: Bedford, Monroe County
Full Name of Father: Levi Drigget
Residence of Father: Bedford
Birthplace of Father: Delaware
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Full Name of Mother: Rebecca Drigget
Residence of Mother: Delaware [sic]
Birthplace of Mother: Bedford, Monroe County [sic]
Date of Record: June 13, 1891
{Transcript certified 07 Mar 1903}


Neighbors' Affidavit
State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw, ss
In the matter of the application for pension of Rebecca E. Driggest #776325 Widow of Levi Driggest "E" Co. 4. Del. Vol. Inf.
On this 19th day of February, A.D. 1903, personally appeared before me a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County duly authorized to administer oaths David Driggest, aged 71 years, a resident of Ypsilanti in the County of Washtenaw and State of Mich. whose Post-office address is 331 Oak St. Ypsilanti, Mich. ... well known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declare in relation to the aforesaid case as follows: That I have been well and personally acquainted with Rebecca E. Driggest for 50 years, ... and that I was present at the marriage of claimant and said soldier and know that said claimant never was married prior to her marriage to said Levi Driggest; that I knew said Levi Driggest from his childhood days - having been born & brought up in the same Town. Said soldier was first married to one Mezzie Sango, who died after their said marriage, only living a few years, and I was present at the time of her death and attended her funeral. And about two years after, said soldier and claimant were married, & lived together as husband & wife to the time of his, said soldier's, death, and was never divorced from him. I make these statements based on my personal knowledge.
David (his x mark) Driggest
Witnesses: Frank Joslyn, Edith Merritt
Frank Joslyn, Notary Public


State of Michigan, }
County of Wayne, } ss.
Benjamin Songo of Romulus Twp., Wayne Co., Mich.,being duly sworn, deposes and says that he was acquainted with and knew Levi Driggest and knew his first wife Miszie Driggest nee Songo. She being his half-sister. I was present at her bedside when she died. Her husband Levi Driggest was a member of Co. E. 4 Del. Vol. who is now dead. I have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.
Benjamin (his x mark) Songo
Witnesses: Lewis F. Wendt, Joseph Counseller
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 25th day of April 1903
Lewis F. Wendt, Notary Public, County of Wayne, Mich.


To correct error in former declaration in case of soldier's death it should have read December 20, 1902 not 1892[.] in regards the date of birth of Samuel Driggest I find I am rong he was born on the night of Apr. 19 1890 weather after or before midnight or after I can not say[.] you may call it the 19 or 20 of Apr 1890[.] as to the date of my marage to soldier I have no records to show the date of our marage[.] I always thought it was in June 1859 however as I cannot read nor write I might be mistaken but really think the certified copy is corect dating it June 1st 1859[.] and I upon my oath say I have given the dates here in to the best of my knowledge and beliefe.
Rebecca E. (this is her x mark) Driggest
Witnesses: James Grimes, Milton E. Tadd
28 May 1903
Jacob L. Slick, Notary Public


State of Michigan, }
County of Wayne } ss.
David Driggett of Bellville, Mich. being duly sworn, depose and says that Mr. Levi Driggest late of the township of Bedford, Monroe Co., Mich., was a soldier in the 4th Del. Ref. Co. E Inf., and that he married Mezie Songo about 1855 and that she died about the fore part of April 1858 and that the said Levi Driggeest then married one Elizabeth Williams who is the person now alive and the widow of Levi Driggest.
David (his x mark) Dreggitt
Witnesses: L. F. Wendt, J. S. Counseller
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 31st day of July 1903
Lewis F. Wendt, Notary Public


State of Michigan, }
County of Wayne } ss.
Benjamin Songo of Romulus, Wayne County, Mich. being duly sworn, depose and says the Mesie Songo who married Levi Driggest a soldier in the 4th Del. V. Co. E in the Civil War died in April of the year 1858 and that he married Mesie Songo in 1855. And that Levi Driggist married Elizabeth Williams the claimant.
Benjamin (his x mark) Songo
Witnesses: Joseph Counseller, L. F. Wendt,
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14th day of August 1903
Lewis F. Wendt, Notary Public, County of Wayne, Mich.


No. 776325
Widow's Pension
Claimant: Rebecca E. Driggest
P.O. Lambertville
County Monroe, State Michigan
Rate, $8 per month, commencing January 7, 1903, and $2 additional for each child, as follows:
Samuel, Born, April 20, 1890, Sixteen, April 19, 1906, Commencing January 7, 1903
Approved ... September 22, 1903


Certificate No. 390022
Increase Invalid Pension
Claimant: Levi Driggest, dec'd, Rebecca E. Driggest, widow, completing
Rejection on the ground that the soldier is dead, and no medical examination had under pending claim.
September 22, 1903
Declaration filed Sept. 18, 1902
Soldier died Dec. 20, 1902


Certificate No. 390022
Additional Invalid Pension
Claimant: Levi Driggest, dec'd, Rebecca E. Driggest, widow, completing
Rejection on the ground that the soldier is dead, and no medical examination had under pending claim.
September 18, 1903
Declaration filed October 16, 1902
Soldier died Dec. 20, 1902


[Certificate No.] 390.022
Restoration & Additional Invalid Pension
Claimant: Levi Driggest, dec'd, Rebecca E. Driggest, widow, completing
Rate, $12 per month, commencing October 16, 1902, ending December 20, 1902, death.
Approved for chronic diarrhea and rheumatism. Insanity and paresis not alleged but shown in evidence.
Rejected for disease of lungs & kidneys, no ratable disabilities therefrom, subject to approval by Medical Referee.
Pension to end December 20, 1903, date of soldier's death. Pay to widow, as above.
September 22, 1903
Approved for chronic diarrhoea, rheumatism and insanity.
Aggregate of disabilities shown, permanent in character: $12
September 23, 1903
Declaration filed October 16, 1902


Pensioner Dropped.
Department of the Interior.
United States Pension Agency.
Certificate No. 560245
Pensioner Rebecca E. Driggest
Soldier: Levi
Service Pv. E. 4" Del. V. I.
The Commissioner of Pensions.
Sir: I have the honor to report that the above-named pensioner who was last paid at $12, to Mar 4, 1911 has been dropped because of Death, May 31, 1911.


End of File

To view some of the other Civil War pension extractions, as well as an explanatory note, please see the following page of the Mitsawokett site:
(Once on the page, scroll down below the Index to see the Overview.)

Please contact Joseph Romeo for further discussion regarding Levi Driggett:












"The History and Genealogy of the
Native American Isolate Communities
of Kent County, Delaware, and
Surrounding Areas on the Delmarva Peninsula
and Southern New Jersey"



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